Damage while in transit

If an item has been damaged in transit, we’ll replace it for you at no charge as long as you can provide proof it has been damaged (a photo of the item and its packaging is usually enough).

All shipments are covered by transit insurance. If you have received an item that is damaged, let us know and tell us what went wrong. We’ll need your name, contact details and order number so we can verify your shipment and lodge an insurance claim.

We will replace any items damaged in transit, as soon as we receive the damaged item back (sometimes as soon as we receive photos). Of course, if you need to look this up, we apologise for any inconvenience in advance!

Returns and refunds

Ornate Workwear does not offer refunds or returns if you changed your mind or ordered a larger quantity than you required. Refunds and returns are offered for faulty items only, in line with Australian Consumer Law.

We know it’s rare, but if you receive a faulty item, please return it to Ornate Workwear for a refund or replacement. We ask that any products that need to be returned be postmarked within 28 days of receipt. 

Ornate Workwear transactions are subject to New South Wales (Australia) consumer guarantees and laws.


Some products may be covered by a manufacturer’s warranty. Please retain all receipts and packaging for warranty purposes. If an item needs to be replaced under warranty we’ll let you know that is the case and can manage communication with the manufacturer.